Tuesday, 9 July 2013

1.1 What is the First Cause Argument?

What is the First Cause Argument?

Thomas Aquinas was a monk who spoke of the First Cause Argument. The universe itself is the best evidence for God; everything that exists has a cause; the universe exists, so it too must have a cause; there had to be something eternal (without beginning or end) that was not caused by anything; that eternal first cause is God; therefore God exists.

Strengths of the First Cause Argument
·        State the First Cause argument
·        The Big Bang could have been caused by God. Big Bang explains how the universe came to be, but what caused the Big Bang?; the measurement of time suggests there was a starting point
·        There is no proof of any other ‘cause’
·        The causer must have been eternal and omnipotent – it defies the laws of nature!

Weaknesses of the First Cause Argument
·        Scientific explanations (Big Bang) more credible.  See Unit 6 for more details of the Big Bang.
·        No scientific proof
·        Argument is flawed - even if universe had a beginning, there is no proof that God caused that beginning; If everything has a cause, then who or what caused God?
·        Eternal universe – The universe could have been eternal; the causes might go on forever.

Exercise 1.1
1.      Who spoke of the First Cause Argument? (1)
2.      Explain the First Cause Argument. (4)
3.      Give two reasons why the First Cause Argument is flawed. (2)
4.      'The First Cause Argument proves that God exists'. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6)

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